Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An Eggy Threesome?

Goodness! This is... Well, take a look. Forgive me. I do not know how to properly upload videos. Thus, you must click the link. I'MMMMMM SOOOOOORRRRRYYYY!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Morning jog

We started off our morning jog nicely. We only had a few trucks chasing us, and that was a definate change for the better. Our day was going so great in fact, we decided to test our luck by hitching a ride with a few guys. They wanted me to sit in the front with them, but Alejandro wouldn't let them take me. We sat together, just like Mommy told us. We even held hands. Alejandro has big hands.

We stopped for a bathroom break at a oak tree just off the interstate. The big guys in front must have forgotten that we were there, and when they saw us, something must have snapped in their brains. I wasn't paying much attention to what was going on after that. Alejandro took the lead and he's so great at that, I couln't bear to interupt. So I waited until after the men started dragging me away to start screaming. Alejandro is like my teddy! I can't sleep without him!

Our separation broke something inside of me. Later, as I sat sobbing by the side of the truck, overflowing with dead people, Alejandro took my hand again. We buried the bodies together and took the truck and went on our merry way. Well, not quite merry. The truck still smells like dead people and my guilt consumes me whenever I'm by myself. But we stick together like glue. So, I guess I'll deal with the smell for now.